Get your edge back.

Weight Loss

This program covers everything from fat loss to introductory muscle building to keep your fat off. If you have struggled to get weight off and keep it off, this may be a great option for you!

Lose it

Muscle Building

This program is for those that can’t seem to build and maintain muscle mass. As we get older it gets difficult to do this, but with the help of this program we can help to improve results!

Get Fit

Sexual Health

Sexual health issues are extremely common for middle aged individuals. This program is designed to build confidence and solve sexual health issues you may be experiencing. It’s time to unlock this part of your life again!

Rediscover it


This program is designed to help you find your youth! Continue to live a full life and help keep you healthy and build a strong immune system, get you better sleep amongst other things to help you perform at your absolute best!

Restore it

We keep it simple.

Getting your edge back shouldn’t be complicated.


Start with your complimentary consultation with one of our team members to discuss your goals. Your consult includes a blood draw to get true insight into your body.


Next, you'll meet with one of our in-house Nurse Practitioners to discuss and review your lab work and develop a specific care plan for you and your goals.


The fun part! Once we have your custom care plan developed, you'll begin the treatment that most aligns with your goals and needs.

Your journey to a new you, begins now.

Edge Peptide Therapy is a total body alternative medicine brand focusing on making you feel your best by promoting wellness from the inside out. We believe in treating our patients with customized plans tailored to get results quickly. We hang our hat on our 4 pillars: weight loss, muscle building and toning, sexual health and anti-aging and general wellness.


Aging in both sexes is associated with progressive declines in hormones and negative effects on energy, sleep, mood, libido and weight. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and becomes wrinkled and loose, we gain fat and lose both muscle and bone mass and everything becomes harder to do. All of this is largely due to the decrease in Growth Hormone (GH).


Peptide therapy can help correct hormone imbalances and reduce symptoms of aging including: increased energy and mental focus; enhanced sex drive; improved bone density, skin elasticity, muscle tone and stamina; thicker, fuller hair; lower body fat and cholesterol levels; less wrinkles; decreased joint and muscle pain. In addition to anti-aging therapy, we also use peptides to optimize the production and secretion of growth hormone for wellness, chronic illness, pain management, and as adjuvant to our weight management program.

Ready to get started with your peptide package?